Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Understanding Root Canal Procedures

4 Natural Substances That Can Keep Your Gums In The Pink

Diane Mason

If you have been looking for new ways to improve the health of your gums, you may not have considered many natural treatments. Brushing and flossing effectively reduce the amount of inflammatory plaque in the mouth. However, there are other ways to keep oral bacterial counts down. Several natural substances can promote good gum health. Here are a few:


Turmeric is the bright yellow spice that is used in many Indian dishes. It contains an anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin, which offers many health benefits due to its ability to combat inflammation. The anti-inflammatory nature of curcumin can help soothe inflamed gums. This is important because gum disease is primarily gum inflammation.

Much of the inflammation associated with plaque is due to the bacteria that it contains. When oral bacteria consume food, they release acid that can irritate gum tissue. Turmeric is anti-bacterial, so it can help control oral bacteria populations.

Black Tea

Black tea has been found to decrease the amount of Streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus in the mouth. By drinking just three or four cups a day, you can help reduce the amount of inflammatory bacteria in your mouth. The tea seems to be effective even it contains some sugar. In addition, consuming green tea seems to have similar benefits.

Sesame Oil

Oil pulling with sesame oil helps remove oral bacteria from your mouth. Oil pulling is the act of pushing and pulling oil thorough your teeth for about period, usually about 20 minutes. At the end of the pulling session, the oil is discarded into a trash receptacle.

One study reviewed  the gum health benefits of oil pulling with sesame oil by evaluating 20 adolescents who had plaque gingivitis. The study participants were divided into two groups. One group was treated with chlorhexidine mouthwash, and the other oil pulled using sesame oil. Both groups were assessed after 10 days, and each showed a substantial reduction in the amount of oral bacteria. They also had less plaque and healthier gums.


Xylitol is a natural sweetener that has antibacterial properties. It is frequently used to sweeten sugarless gum, but it can also be purchased as a standalone sugar substitute. 

Xylitol has a five-carbon structure that is not sticky enough to hold biofilm together. As a result, the plaque produced after consuming xylitol is less acidic, less inflammatory and less sticky.In addition, it is not consumed by any of the oral bacteria that cause gum disease. It even stops the growth and negative impact of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacterium that is associated with gum disease.

If you are still looking for more ways to improve your gum health, contact a dental office, such as Preferred Family Dental, in your area to schedule a consultation. The dentist will be able to offer additional ways to keep your gums in the pink.


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Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Hey everyone. My name is Jaheem Gherdley. I made this site to talk about root canal procedures. Root canals are usually performed to save broken or rotten teeth. My situation did not deviate from this norm. I was eating my favorite crunchy snacks when my tooth broke straight down the middle. I ignored this development until an infection set in deep in the root of my tooth. My dentist urged me to come right in for an emergency root canal to save the tooth and stop the spread of infection. The procedure stopped the pain and kept my tooth in place. From that point on, I decided to learn all I can about root canals. I will share the information I've gathered with you to help you understand the importance of this procedure. Thanks for stopping by.
