Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Help! How Do You Protect Your Child's Teeth From Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Diane Mason

Baby bottle tooth decay is a problem in infants, because parents don't know much about it or how to prevent it. Here's all you need to do to protect your child's teeth from decay due to baby bottle use.

Use Water Before Bedtime

If your child needs a bottle to soothe on at night, you'll want to avoid using anything damaging to the teeth. Dentists recommend putting nothing but water or milk into bottles. These are the only two fluids children need on a daily basis.

On a night, try switching just to water. The night time is the worst for bacteria growth. The mouth doesn't produce as much saliva, so there isn't anything to help with the removal of particles, plaque, and bacteria. Water doesn't leave anything behind and will help to cleanse the mouth.

Avoid the Fruit Juices

Fruit juices and other similar types of fluids shouldn't be used in a baby bottle. The front teeth are more exposed to the sugars in the fluids, meaning they are at more risk of decay. As mentioned, only use milk or water in a bottle throughout the day.

If you are going to give your child fruit juices, diluting juices, or other items, do it with a meal. This will give your child all the sugar intake at the same time. Your child's mouth then has the chance to produce the saliva needed to get rid of the sugar in the mouth to avoid cavities forming.

Wipe the Gums With a Cloth

Remove the bacteria from the mouth and gums as much as possible. After each feed, use a cloth to remove it from gums and use a brush once your child's teeth are pushing through. Try not to let your child fall asleep while drinking from the bottle, so you can easily clean with a cloth.

Be gentle with the toothbrush, and only use a soft-bristled one. While some teeth have come through, not all will. Brushing too hard may lead to the gums being damaged or cause them to recede.

Even when breastfeeding, you should follow an oral hygiene routine for your baby. The breast milk doesn't necessarily cause tooth decay, but particles being left in the mouth can lead to bacteria growth.

Put your child's oral health first. Baby bottle tooth decay is a problem, usually affecting the top front teeth the most. Follow the above tips and you can take steps to prevent it from happening. For more information, tlak to a dentist like John S. Lyon DDS.


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Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Hey everyone. My name is Jaheem Gherdley. I made this site to talk about root canal procedures. Root canals are usually performed to save broken or rotten teeth. My situation did not deviate from this norm. I was eating my favorite crunchy snacks when my tooth broke straight down the middle. I ignored this development until an infection set in deep in the root of my tooth. My dentist urged me to come right in for an emergency root canal to save the tooth and stop the spread of infection. The procedure stopped the pain and kept my tooth in place. From that point on, I decided to learn all I can about root canals. I will share the information I've gathered with you to help you understand the importance of this procedure. Thanks for stopping by.
